What was the one economic motive weegy. In economics, entrepreneurship connected with land, labour, natural resources and capital can. What was the one economic motive weegy

 In economics, entrepreneurship connected with land, labour, natural resources and capital canWhat was the one economic motive weegy Great Leap Forward, in Chinese history, the campaign undertaken by the Chinese communists between 1958 and early 1960 to organize its vast population, especially in large-scale rural communes, to meet China’s industrial and agricultural problems

Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. Acquisition of raw materials C. economic opportunity. Joint-stock companies sold shares of stock to venturers and enabledThe profit motive is an important feature of capitalism. 9826. 9399 User: One of the factors that helped the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Weegy: One of the factors that led to the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Rich deposits of [ coal. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals User: What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. there is one and only one responsibility of business — to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profit so long as it stays within the rules of the game. Women were excluded from voting in ancient Greece and republican Rome as well as in the few democracies that had emerged in Europe by the end of the 18th century. Enter a date in the format M/D (e. New answers. One necessary condition that characterized this New Imperialism, often overlooked, is technological. B. Aside from the possibility of treasure, the European governments aimed to find a passage through the Americas to Asia. trade surpluses. Importing manufactured goods Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century. Acceptance as a selling point means that your product makes customers feel like they belong to a community of some sort. These activities are undertaken by individuals to earn their livelihood through economic gain. The growth of slavery a Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)User: what was the greatest economic motive behind 19th century colonization Weegy: The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and. The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in. Prior to the 1870s Europeans could overawe native peoples along the coasts of Africa and Asia but lacked the firepower, mobility, and communications that would have been needed to pacify the interior. Rationality suggests that consumers will act to maximize self-interest and businesses will act to maximize profits. Many foreign policy. Updated 6/29/2021 1:09:39 AM. Commercialization B. Explanation:In the nineteenth century, many European countries began to colonize and imperialize foreign lands for various reasons. [ -is how European economic interests impacted colonized peoples. It was laid out by U. User: Which of the following would be a human resource in terms of the factors of production? Question 7 options: A) Wood to make a table B) The money used to purchase supplies to build a table C) A hammer and saw used to construct a table D). Profit motive can also be construed as the underlying reason why a taxpayer or company participates in. Japan formed an alliance with Germany against the United States D. , location, duration, and resolution) but did not attempt to identify. Profit motive is the incentive to earn net financial gains by undertaking any sort of business activity. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. democracy to enslaved peoples. D. He is suspicious of Ivan's motives at the start. It aims to strengthen Beijing’s economic leadership through a vast program of infrastructure building throughout China’s neighbouring regions. Weegy: Your license will be suspended for 90 days in florida in. The profit motive is important to a market economy because it A. The most important imports were metals. Among the first Native Americans to take part in the Revolutionary War actually joined the rebel side. However, the primary reason was economic. What was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization A. Wealthy businessmen sought opportunities to invest their money. These motives helped great empires expand their territory and brought new cultures and languages to both the colonised countries and the countries colonising them. What is profit motive? reason why people go into business; to make money. 9399 User: One of the factors that helped the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Weegy: One of the factors that led to the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Rich deposits of [ coal. In 1692, the quiet Puritan settlement of Salem, Massachusetts descended into madness when its residents suddenly began accusing. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Explanation:In the nineteenth century, many European countries began to colonize and imperialize foreign lands for various reasons. , 1/1) Changing the day will navigate the page to that given day in. Accordingly, here are 5 easy ways to motivate - and demotivate - employees. Question. Weegy: The Third Estate had the largest population and the least power. C. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. b. Western colonialism - Economic Imperialism: The father of the economic interpretation of the new imperialism was the British liberal economist John Atkinson Hobson. (2) easy access to natural resources. He advocated instead for direct rule by the. Acquisition of raw materials . The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Ishm. Imperialism is simply the process or policy ofIn the first two, Reports on the Public Credit, which he submitted on January 14, 1790, and December 13, 1790, he urged the funding of the national debt at full value, the assumption in full by the federal government of debts incurred by the states during the Revolution, and a system of taxation to pay for the assumed debts. Raw materials C. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals D. president to be born west of the Mississippi River. democracy to enslaved peoples. Weegy: Product differentiation is the process of developing and promoting the differences between one's products and other similar products. B. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The highest-valued alternative that is given up or sacrificed when choosing to produce or consume one good over another is referred to as:, Combinations attainable given a consumer's budget line, A consumer's ___________ line or constraint shows various combinations of two products. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals B. The declaration was a result of German refusal to remove troops from neutral Belgium. Hence, it aligns with Adam Smith’s invisible hand theory and contributes to the unseen force that moves. The Economics Glossary defines GDP as "the gross domestic product for a region, wherein the GDP is "the market value of all the goods and services produced by labor and property located in" the. The reintroduction of the civil service examination D. “One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Christian Crusaders' failures created a European interest in Asia and the Middle East. This results in both. The Catholic Counter-Reformation embodied in the Council of Trent rededicated the Catholic Church to its essential religious mission. The tyranny of Communism is as old as the Pharaohs and the Pyramids - that the State stands above all men and their individual aspirations. This was often called the “White Man’s. economy shifted from an agricultural-based economy to an industrial-based economy. C. These mechanisms will kick in immediately to soften the swings of the business cycle, even if policymakers can't act quickly. 1 C Explain one way in which state interactions in the period 1450-1750 had an impact on different cultures. One factor that aided theThe Louisiana Purchase (1803) was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U. The reintroduction of the civil service examination D. Acquisition of raw materials What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? weegy;. Log in for more information. The starting point of Doughnut Economics is to change the goal from endless GDP growth to thriving in the Doughnut. Acquisition of raw materials . WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. , 1/1) Enter a date in the format M/D (e. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Consumer tastes or preferences would be most likely to have an effect on Question options: A)supply. The word “motive” comes from the English language, which is “motive” which means a reason or a person to do something. From the south proceeded another powerful force, this one directed by the more circumspect José de San Martín. Profit motive, open oppurtunity, legal equality, private property rights, free contract, voluntary exchange, competition. Impulsiveness is to self-control as. , 6. economic-motive requirement would protect too much with respect to First Amendment interests, since it would keep RICO from reaching ideological entities whose members. Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth. - The government owns the factors of production. Because of the profit motive, people are far more likely to innovate, invent, and take risks that they would not otherwise undertake. Economic (financial or strategic) motivation to CSR: A company issues a CSR policy because it expects CSR to contribute to the financial performance of the company. Weegy: A public education system - was one of the. 1 A Explain one political motivation for developing navigational technology, 4. China - WWI, Neutrality, Treaty: Following the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Japan joined the side of the Allies and seized the German leasehold around Jiaozhou Bay together with German-owned railways in Shandong. [T]his little event, of France possessing herself of Louisiana,. The economy revolved around farming villages and towns, rather than major urban centers. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Having prospered in the village of his birth, John Bent held enough land to distinguish himself as one of Weyhill's wealthiest inhabitants. China's motive in joining World War I alongside the Allies was that they hoped to drive Japan out of mainland China. 4 million to over 2 million. The ideas of Social Darwinism C. The profit motive is supposed to correct shortages and surpluses and send resources to where they are most useful. A) A major economic motive behind government intervention in trade is the protection of jobs. Importing manufactured goods O C. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Acquisition of raw materials O C. A: Broca's area is a part in the brain which is situated in the frontal lobe. Score . Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. The ideas of Social Darwinism B. Question and answer. They hoped to defeat Germany and collect reparations. Weegy: The middle class did not benefit greatly from the Industrial Revolution. The new riches ultimately created mass inflation and economic distress. org What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization. Weegy: Inelastic is an economic term used to describe the situation in which the supply and demand for a good are unaffected when the price of that good or service changes. Which three phrases describe political revolutions in Latin America in the twentieth century? a. The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. status fulfillment. Commercialization B. Score . When. The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and Social Darwinism. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth century colonization? Acquisition of raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. S. Chien-lung, Chien-lung Ch'ien-lung (1711-1799) was the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing, or Manchu, dynasty in China. Acquisition of raw materials B. Rather than starting with Robinson Crusoe, who lived alone on an island, he perceived that the behavior of any one person always had to be understood within that person’s social context. S. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. What was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization A. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. On October 14, 1774, the First Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances. The profit motive is a basic assumption of economics whereby. User: What was one of the factors that motivated nations to abolish slavery?Weegy: Slavery was no longer profitable -was one of the factors that motivated nations to abolish slavery. The raid on Harpers Ferry was intended to be the first stage in an elaborate plan to establish. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. Imperialism is not only political and economic, but also cultural. One of the major pillars upon which the practice of mercantilism rested was _____. allows the. Updated 182 days ago|12/21/2022 2:01:58 PM. Eventually, however, Freud came to believe that life instincts alone could not. In other words, economic motives can come from oneself or intervention from the outside environment. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery B. Question. D)elasticity. Weegy. Acquisition of raw materials What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? weegy;. Acquisition of raw materials . The supply of precious metals was finite, and monarchs hoped to find large deposits of gold and silver in the Americas. encourages consumers to buy more products. 0 Answers/Comments. The four major motives for imperialism are economic, strategic, religious and political. b) Explain ONE way that, despite economic change, traditional elites remained powerful in the period 1750– 1900. 5 One commentator uses the terms "prize," "instrument," "victim," and "perpetrator" to describe the four separate roles the enterprise may play in § 1962. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. Log in for more information. Old Imperialism. Farm production increased as new farm technology developed. User: What is the area of a square television screen with 16-inch sides? A. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals D. 1. Mercantilism is an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy. were influenced by the US anxiety regarding the spread of communism c. •First, governments may make errors in identifying the industries that are worth protecting. are included under non-economic activities because they are mostly performed to fulfill one’s spiritual needs rather than. allows the government to collect extra in taxes. The Native community at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, sent seventeen men to join the army of militiamen that was laying siege to Boston in 1775. The ideas of Social Darwinism C. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,. User: How can the events leading to the independence of Brazil be described Weegy: The events leading to the independence of Brazil can best be described as: It was an organized effort to establish a new democracy. Base your answer to the following question on the speakers’ statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. How did Japan react to the economic impact of the Great Depression? A. Peters, George Henderson (The. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. If one accepts this position, then our inability to propose a de nitive identi cation strategy to estimate he causal e ect of colonialism on development" turns out to be less of a problem. Log in for more information. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization?. ] User: Which class gain the most because of industrial revolution Weegy: The middle class gained the most because of Industrial Revolution. When the vehicle’s OBD system detects a. marginal cost. (India was the exception, where the British East India. Which motive do you think was the strongest. Question and answer. 8. Jozeal. Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. The Chinese hoped to develop labour-intensive methods of industrialization,. User: 0. D. Score 1What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. in any arena that. Goods. The ideas of Social Darwinism C. Four years later, the first plant to serve a system of private and commercial customers was opened in Wisconsin, USA, and within a decade, hundreds of hydropower plants were in operation. a decrease in protective tariffs had opened American business to competition from abroad. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth century colonization? Acquisition of raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. -sponsored program implemented following World War II to aid European countries that had been destroyed as a result of the war. ECONOMIC MOTIVES Economic considerations were undoubtedly the most effective in promoting colonization. In order to provide such a time- and cost-efficient instrument, we conducted three studies (N = 1,568) to develop further and validate 16 German scales with three. The one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization was the acquisition of raw materials. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Stepan’s attitude toward Ivan change over the course of the play by: He is suspicious of Ivan's motives at the start. gold. Communism everywhere has paid the price of rigidity and dogmatism. " Tap a man's pocketbook and you strike a gusher in the field of human motivation. C. His motive was as much political as. B. economy motives for protection. “Anything can serve as a counterfeit god, especially the very best things in life. Intrinsic motivation: The will to perform a certain act because it is desirable per se, as an end in itself. The ideas of Social Darwinism C. Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Capitalism D. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth -century colonization? A. , 6. What was one of the accomplishments of the Ming Dynasty?. c. Asked 1/25/2021 12:25:34 AM. A: Planning must be community based, representing the whole population and its needs. Speaker B: Come and battle while there is still time to protect the Holy Land where Christ walked. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. encourages people to open businesses and invent new products. 2. 1 1C) Explain ONE way in which the French Revolution. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization. Score 1. Acquisition of raw materials C. 956Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Added 5/28/2021 8:37:37 AM. The physical objects that someone produces. Weegy: Vermeer is one of the best-known Dutch Baroque. D: Planning should be flexible enough to address both traditional and catastrophic incidents. User: What was the greatest economic motives behind 19th century colonization Weegy: The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and Social Darwinism. precautionary c. C. centrally planned economy. civilization to "backward" peoples. User:. One culturally prevalent answer to the why question is that terrorists are “driven” or “pushed” to do it, and that the decisive driving or pushing agent is pathology. Read the three explanations for imperialism, humanitarian idealism, defense, and economic exploitation, which appear in this chapter: As you read, think whether any one offers a good explanation for the US’s actions described in previous chapters. 8988 User: Which of the following is a potential. It drew up a project for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) to make long-term capital available to states urgently needing such foreign aid, and a project for the International Monetary Fund. Hale, Mrs. Over the winter of 1929-30 the number of unemployed rose from 1. (1) natural geographic barriers. (corsets and foot-binding) while others persist (FGM and high dowries in India), one may wonder about the origins of gender-biased social norms, as well as the institutional and economic factors that determine their emergence, persistence, and disappearance. Acquisition of raw materials . Score 1. Therefore, the summary should be about the three important uses of sugar. Rating. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth century colonization? Acquisition of raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. In the "Classical" period, the title "sonata" is typically given to a work composed of three or four movements. Imperial governments, and/or private companies under those governments, sought ways to maximize profits. Put, intrinsic motives are carried out because there is a drive from oneself to obtain. A basic tenet of capitalism is that. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. User: One of the impacts of British mercantilist policies in India was Weegy: One of the impacts of British mercantilist policies in India was It prompted Gandhi to lead the Salt March in solidarity and protest of the policy. In 1939, the armies of Japan and the Soviet Union clashed. to control and change the governments of another country. Test your knowledge and review the key terms with Quizlet. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Then, on Jan. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Why is profit motive an important characteristic of a market economy?, In economics, the term demand refers to what?, Which of the following functions does a government perform in a market economy? (choose all that apply) and more. Q: The Case of the Broca’s Area suggested that a person’s serious speech problems could be caused by:. D. Weegy: White colonizers conquered lands where nonwhite people lived was the dominant pattern of race relations in colonies. B. Score . The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, and Social Darwinism. ”. And while there may be a shift currently under way towards Asia, Europe and European offshoots still have per capita incomes much higher than those in China and India (with India’s per capita income being considerably lower. Log in for more information. Acquisition of raw materials. The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, and Social Darwinism. Top image:Marshall Plan logo, courtesy of the George Marshall Foundation. Enterprise motive Government motive Sales motive Profit motive . On May 8, 1947, Under Secretary of State Dean Acheson stood before a board of farmers. C)demand. Profit motive is also used as a technical term by taxing authorities. Treaty of Tordesillas. ”. 11/15/2023. Question|Asked by Tee0317. One of the biggest motivations behind New Imperialism was the idea of humanitarianism and "civilizing" the "lower" class people in Africa and in other undeveloped places. B. User: What was the greatest. We identified three distinct accounts of intrinsic motivation in economics and demonstrated how they differ in. Acting in self-interest to make personal gain is a vital element in a capitalist economy. religious liberty C. If the reasoning suggested by the Appeals Chamber is followed, then the intentional killing of. Fewer farmers were needed to produce enough food for the country's population. C. Instead of the. arose from a need to ease poverty and political instability b. sole intention of producers is to make profit. Spain, a Catholic country, was influenced to alter its work in the New World as a result. Who make decisions regarding what to produce and how it is produced C. Social DarwinismThe humanistic perspective rose to prominence in the mid-20th century in response to psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism; this perspective focuses on how healthy people develop and emphasizes an individual’s inherent drive towards self-actualization and creativity. D. Indeed, economic motives—OPEC working as a presumably imperfect business cartel—provide a much better description of actual behavior since its. Abundant basic goods A major factor in the failure of (mostly) command economies was the lack of the profit motive. European countries such as Britain and France would use their colonies in Africa for economic. What was China's motive in joining World War I alongside the Allies? A. It increases the cost of production for businesses in the long term, but it does not impact them in the short term. speculative. charging higher interest. 6. After difficult conquests of. D. C. arose from a need to ease poverty and political instability b. The policy aims to reduce a possible current account deficit or reach a current account surplus, and it. The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and. Score . Acquisition of raw materials . The ideas of Social Darwinism D. ] Log in for more information. ONE The Nature and Causes of Business Cycles ECONOMIC change is a law of life. Japan took more land and resources from China C. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. What was the greatest economic motive. Civil Engineering. Weegy: The region's economy was badly hurt was an outcome of the wars for. Added 12/21/2020 5:17:14 AM. The supply of precious metals was finite, and monarchs hoped to find large deposits of gold and silver. Weegy: Store space in a shopping mall is often rented by the square foot. ”. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. The Holocaust was the culmination of a number of factors over a number of years. The ideas of Social Darwinism O B. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth -century colonization? A. The primary motives of European explorers were economic. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization. B. Economy . Weegy: If a client's knees hurt after a one-week walking regimen, Jog in a swimming pool is most appropriate. Score . Score . The growth of slavery C. Nationalism is a strong feeling of pride in one’s country. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. rise of nationalism D. The growth of slavery B. economic opportunity. Weegy: Following the independence movement in latin america, the vast majority of the population remained poor. Click the card to flip 👆. ”.